How Time with God Can Improve Your Life and Marriage

Quiet Time Habit - Want to know how beneficial your time with God can be, or what a moment with my young son taught me about God? Then click to read more! #BibleStudy #spiritualgrowth #messymarriage #marriagematters #spiritualencouragement #quiettimehabit

Back when I was a young, stay-at-home mom of three sons, my personal Bible study and prayer time looked somewhat different than it does today. I remember realizing that the best window of time to be alone with God was while my sons were either napping and/or at school.

Quiet Time Habit - Want to know how beneficial your time with God can be, or what a moment with my young son taught me about God? Then click to read more! #BibleStudy #spiritualgrowth #messymarriage #marriagematters #spiritualencouragement #quiettimehabit

Still, I had to know when to be flexible and when to doggedly guard my time with God, no matter who/what was demanding my attention.

I can vividly recall one time I hid away in the privacy of my walk-in closet to pray during my youngest son’s naptime. I had kept the door slightly ajar . . .

Want to read more about how I made this my habit and what it did to improve my life and marriage?

Then head over to read the rest of the story at Jana Carlson’s blog,, where I’m excited to be featured today!

But before you go, I hope you’ll check out yet another video from my Sloppy Joe Time vault. This time I’m talking about “How Do We have that Heart to Heart?” We all know how tricky this can be for a couple, since men typically struggle to share or listen without trying to fix their mates. 😉 (I hope you won’t feel offended by my generalization, if you or your husband is not this way! Consider yourself blessed!)

Click below to watch this vintage SJT video . . .




What is one tip you’ve successfully used to cultivate a daily time with God? 


What is one way you’ve encouraged more heart-to-heart conversations with your mate? 


Here are some other lovely linkups I join – Inspire Me Monday, Kingdom Bloggers, Literary Musing Mondays, Tea and Word Tuesday, Purposeful Faith, Tell His Story, InstaEncouragements Linkup, Recharge Wednesday, Porch Stories Linkup, Welcome Heart, Worth Beyond Rubies Wednesday, Sitting Among Friends, Destination Inspiration, Tune in Thursday, Heart Encouragement, Grace and Truth,  Faith and Friends,  Faith on Fire Friday, Fresh Market Friday, and DanceWithJesusFriday


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11 responses to “How Time with God Can Improve Your Life and Marriage”

  1. Looking forward to our visit over there!


    1. Thank you for stopping over, Michele! Hope you are encouraged by it!


  2. So blessed to have you sharing at Wield The Word this week, Beth!

    Your video is a great reminder. My husband has become a fantastic conversationalist over the years, but I can recognize myself in what you shared. Sometimes, I am expecting more from him that what is natural for him to give. Thanks for reminding me to keep those expectations in check!

    One tip I might suggest for having meaningful conversations with your spouse… If your spouse is not conditioned for face-to-face deep talks, try turning down the music in the car on longer drives and talking then. For some people, it’s easier to talk when you’re not being stared at. 🙂


    1. I’m so glad you asked me to share on your blog! It’s an honor, Jana!

      Your husband is the exception, though I’d say my husband is the exception as well. Still, my husband has his limits and doesn’t value conversation in the context of our “downtime” nearly as much as I do! Lol! So even though I now guard my expectations, it’s still an inner battle that I feel a lot of the time.

      I love your suggestion! It’s one that I do with Gary and see a huge improvement when we do it. Driving or walking somewhere are my go-to’s when it seems like conversation is drying up! Thanks for adding that tip! Hugs to you!


  3. I would wish for a heart-to-heart
    but I do not know my own,
    or trust that I won’t fall apart
    when my pain is not alone.
    I have to push things deep inside,
    and turn cancer to a joke
    to save face, and build my pride
    into a very heavy yoke.
    There are times, I admit,
    that I would like to weep,
    to cry, “What is the POINT of it?”
    but those thoughts locked down I keep.
    I don’t know if all this was God’s plan,
    but you’ll know me as the iron man.


    1. Thank you for sharing your poetic wisdom to the mix, Andrew. You amaze me, my friend! I hope you are sensing my and other’s prayers for you and staying as active as possible. Hugs to you!


  4. I clicked through to read and was so encouraged by your words. I am a stay at home mom and it can be so hard to get time alone with God but I know it makes a huge impact on my Marriage! Thanks for sharing your story.


    1. Thank you for your support here and at Jana’s place, Tiffany! I’m so glad this has encouraged you! It’s the least I can do for all the mama’s who are in the trenches! 😉


  5. Beth! This is great. Saw your post over on Wield The Word. Time with God changes EVERYTHING! Time without God changes everything too.


    Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements! BTW I love the coffee rings on your blog. Makes me feel right at home! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Patsy! Your encouragement and support is greatly appreciated here and elsewhere! I’m super excited to find your linkup! Always great to find a new and inspiring place to land each week. Funny that my coffee rings make you feel at home! It was my quirky way of showcasing the actual messy side of my life, although my marriage messes surely show up here and there as well. 😉


  6. Love love love these video visits with you, friend …


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