Feel like God Doesn’t Hear You? Think Again!

Discouraged and Alone? Come by MM to find out how I gained insight and comfort during a time of prayer in my prayer closet and what it could mean for you! #trials #troubles #marriage #struggles #quotes #Bible #Scriptures #verses #encouragement #hope #brokenhearted

I’m pulling out an old post from the vault and dusting it off for you, my friends, today! If you’ve ever been in a time of crisis, whether in your marriage or in some other area of your life, then I think you’ll relate to what I’m sharing below . . .

Recently, I was reading through some of my old journals from many years ago and there was one story that really stood out to me. It tells not just a story from my life but a story of how faithful God is!

At the time I wrote this, my husband and I were going through a painful trial in a church where my husband was the pastor. During those dark days, I found great comfort in carving out time to pray in my closet during my toddler son’s naptime.

I loved praying in my closet because it was a dark, quiet place where I felt I could shut out the demands of “my world” if only for an hour.

Can you relate?

Here’s what I wrote in my journal about that experience . . .

I was praying in my closet today with the door cracked just a little so I could see out, but the closet light was off so no one could see in. Before I knew it, my time of prayer gave way to tears of sorrow and grief before the Lord.

I couldn’t help but ask Him, ‘Where are you, Lord? Are you working? Are we all alone in this? Will you deliver us?’

Just as I was in the middle of that excruciating moment, I heard Braden (my son who was two-years-old at the time) come into my room. I peered out at him from the darkness of the closet to see him across the room still groggy from his nap.

He was standing there for a moment with two big books under his arm, looking for me to read something to him. But when he saw that I wasn’t there, he dropped the books and began to cry in despair. Before I could stop him, he ran from the room, frantically looking for me all throughout the house.

I realized that in that disorienting moment, my son felt hopeless, abandoned, and all alone.

Then, like a lightning bolt, it hit me. This entire scene was like a metaphor from God—like a life-sized message straight from Him in response to my impassioned pleas.

The Lord was reminding me that, just like I would show myself to my son and ease his loneliness and fears, God was there with me too. Maybe I couldn’t see Him getting up to go after me, but I could trust with all my heart that He was right there with me—loving me and helping me through this trial.

Now, to you, my weary and discouraged friend . . .

Whatever you’re facing right now in life or in a messy marriage, remember that God is with you too. You might feel like you’re in the dark and all alone. Worse still, you might feel as if God doesn’t see you and your situation or hear you and your prayers.

But, rest assured He is there—close to you, loving you. Trust that He’s actively answering your prayers, even though you might not see that answer in this moment of pain. Just lean back into His comfort and embrace!

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.”  Psalm 34:18-20

Battle Strategies - Find ways to battle effectively in spiritual warfare from Scripture. #Bible #Scripture #study #Satan #devil #warfare #conflict #qutoes #marriage


In what way do you feel alone and/or impatient to see God answer your prayer?


How has God shown you His love and care in the dark, messy times of your past?


How can I pray for you now? Please let me know because I take prayer very seriously! If you ask me to pray for you, rest assured that I will!

23 responses to “Feel like God Doesn’t Hear You? Think Again!”

  1. Love this story, Beth. What a wonderful analogy for the trial you were going through and for each of us. I’ve often felt like God was absent when I’ve been struggling with something. And I haven’t always felt His presence during those times even when I spent time in prayer. That’s when faith drives us through. Even when we don’t “feel” His presence, He’s there.


  2. OutnumberedMom Avatar

    His presence was never so strong for me as at the time when I was spent, helpless. I needed Him; I’d reached the end of myself. I could do nothing but hold on to Him. Oddly enough, that’s a sweet memory.


  3. I really love this, thank you for sharing your story.


  4. This is such a great analogy, Beth. Just because we don’t “see” God, doesn’t mean he’s not with us every step of the way. And just because we don’t necessarily “hear” him all the time, it doesn’t mean he’s not consistently communicating his love with us. Thanks for sharing, friend. Good as always!


  5. Good morning, my friend ~ I love that you’re offering to pray for those who gather in this space. It’s a rare gift, a sweet grace, a holy offering …


  6. Kim Adams Morgan Avatar
    Kim Adams Morgan

    I also use the closet to pray, Beth. I love that God provided you with the visual (when your son couldn’t find you) that He is with you, even when you cannot see Him. So comforting. Kim


  7. Gaye @ CalmHealthySexy Avatar
    Gaye @ CalmHealthySexy

    Thank you, Beth. I am greatly in need of encouragement today. My mother is in the hospital and her health is not good. I’m alarmed by the turn of events in her situation.


  8. Love this illustration, Beth! And thanks for the reminder that GOD IS HERE! Please pray for me in parenting… Having a tension triad with myself, my husband, and my child. While my husband and I agree on the destination but I’m not comfortable with the method of travel. But it is hard to bring up a concern when I don’t know a clear solution. My instinct is to keep my baby a baby forever. I appreciate your prayers.


  9. What a comforting parallel, Beth. Thank you for sharing it. My husband and I recently got a big “no” from God when we were praying for a yes, but we’re trusting him with it. He always knows what we don’t and sees what we can’t see. Thanks for the reminder that God is watching and caring for us even when he seems, from our perspective, to be disinterested. I’m re-learning to trust him in the waiting. Blessings, my friend!


  10. Rachael DeBruin Avatar
    Rachael DeBruin

    Awesome reminder Beth. Thanks for sharing this 🙂


  11. Wow, Beth what a beautiful picture and illustration. God truly knows how to speak our language and meet at us at the point of need. I’ve had a semi-anxious weekend, looking at and thinking about some needs before us. I do hear God asking me to get my hands off the plate and to trust Him. I think sometimes we want God to move in a certain way, and that’s what brings the anxiety. God’s been reminding that He knows the situation, has known it long before we did and He’ll make all things good in His time and His way! Thanks for this reminder today.


  12. I have had so many times in my life when I’ve questioned if God was there and if He was going to answer. He has proven time and time again that He has not left me. I’m at a point in my life where I believe and know that He is with me. I love the song that says “it feels like chaos but somehow there’s peace”. Thank you for your continued prayers. They are a blessing in my life!


  13. Thanks for sharing this Beth.


  14. Gaye @ CalmHealthySexy Avatar
    Gaye @ CalmHealthySexy

    Thanks so much, Beth.


  15. Lovely post.


  16. Sometimes I shout. Sometimes I whisper. But He always hears and answers.Posted our momma notes tonight. A day late. But it works. So hoping you can come and join. Share your words. your encouragement. your anything mom. Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.http://justsarahdawn.blogspot.com/2013/07/syllable-by-syllable.html


  17. Hi Beth,
    Thanks for sharing this message, it is very encouraging. I do happen to have a prayer request. I had an argument with a friend a while back and since then I’ve tried to patch things up, but I haven’t heard from him. Please pray for my friendship it deeply matters to me.


  18. I wondered, yes, where He might be,
    that Spirit in the Sky;
    had He in fact abandoned me,
    left me here to die
    upon this dark and bloody field,
    left me here alone
    where even saints and heroes yield
    to steel and fire and stone?
    Reply came not on eagle’s wings,
    but in cooing of a dove
    that spoke to me of many things,
    but mostly spoke of love
    and of the joy awaiting me
    beyond my death, my victory.


  19. Beth,
    What a great post to pull out of the vault and so good to have you back in the blogosphere again!! This is such a perfect metaphor to remember when I think that God doesn’t hear or see me. I am trying to remember that God is never far away and He is always working behind the scenes even if I don’t yet see evidence of His work. Great reminder today!
    Bev xx


  20. I’m like your son sometimes, thinking God isn’t present just because I can’t feel him near me. But thankfully he is always with us! This post is a timeless one, Beth. Thanks for sharing it again.


  21. Oh, that image of your son dropping his book and crying…
    It’s so human to interpret God’s silence as God’s absence, and it’s been my default as well. We’re always on a learning curve!


  22. How fun to see my name back in 2013 and now here I am again.

    A long time fan of your work, your writing, your love for God and marriage and family!

    I hope your summer is going well, friend, during this rough season.



  23. Beautiful story, Beth. I’ve had plenty of those in-the-dark-closet moments during marriage and ministry as a pastor’s wife. So thankful the Lord sees us, comes to our aid in our tears, grief and loneliness, and is always with us!


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